My personal odyssey and artistic endeavors explore the dichotomy of my physical and virtual  selves and how they dictate my perception of the world. 

At the intersection of whimsy and reason, I sit and create. I am a data analyst, aspiring artist, and hobbyist exploring as much as I can, as often as I am able.

I have always been fascinated by the connection between the virtual and physical worlds we are forced to navigate, and the positive and negative effects these dual selves can create. The virtual world is at odds with itself, fostering both a sense of community for those emotionally isolated and loneliness and insecurity in everyday life.

The 21st century flâneur is the escape artist, the cynic, and the lover in one. Baudelaire’s flâneur, so often polluted by the more infamous notion of the bourgeois flâneur, rejects fast paced industrialization and capitalism, instead choosing self-exile to observe and appreciate their surroundings.

True to the poet’s original character, I try to embrace my “amare amabam” (love of love), seeking to gain a oneness with the world by taking a step away from cultural busyness and stepping into the intentional busyness of solo exploration. Mundanity cannot exist when I am always looking for beauty.

the path is inward